Alison Nadunga, Gudskul — Indonesia

I recall a workshop at Cikal (one of my favourite times in Jakarta) where I explored origami as a possible solution to the growing challenge of global warming. Although I didn’t have time to follow up on each child’s project after the workshop, it warmed my heart to jointly experience another facet of the process of origami. A place where it moves away from being something aesthetically appealing to something more that is more of a critical thinking tool. It felt like the invention of another face of a rubrics cube. We literally unearthed a world of invention and our strictly 2 hours workshop turned out to be 3 hours. It felt good to experience a light bulb moment above my head each time I engaged with the different faces of Indonesia.

Recounts of my reflections and experiences in GudSkul Indonesia at large opened a new face to countless possibilities to exploring and engaging with a practice as taxing as origami.

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